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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Firefighters Urge Caution Ahead Of High Fire Danger Forecast

Forecasts of high fire danger over the coming days have prompted the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service to ask residents to be cautious and vigilant as the state moves into bushfire season. 

High fire danger ratings around Brisbane, south west and northern Queensland are expected from today until Friday. 

Director of Rural Operations Ewan Cayzer said some parts of the state were already experiencing fire activity. 

“We are seeing activity particularly in northern and western parts of the state. In fact, even around the south east, grassland west of Beaudesert is now dry enough to fuel and sustain a fire,” he said. 

Yesterday firefighters battled vegetation fires in Woodlands, near Lowood, as well as Black River and Rangewood near Townsville. 

Mr Cayzer said there were a number of precautions people should take on days of heightened fire danger. 

“We are asking people to ensure they are not throwing cigarette butts out of car windows and to be careful when operating machinery in grassed areas. There have been hundreds of occasions where sparks have caused fires that have ended up threatening properties and lives.” 

“It is also vitally important that anyone planning to light a fire larger than two metres in any direction obtains a permit to do so. This way QFRS is aware of where these fires are and can advise the permit holder if it is unsafe for them to be lighting up on any particular day.” 

“Permits can be obtained free of charge from your local fire warden and the contacts for all Queensland wardens can be found on our website.” 

Mr Cayzer said many people were unaware that their home may be at risk from bushfire. 

“What many Queenslanders don’t realise is that they can be at risk from fire even if they live kilometres away from bushland,” he said. 

“I urge all residents to start preparing their property now and visit the rural fire website to download a bushfire survival plan so that no one is caught off guard as we approach bushfire season.” 

More information about permits to light fire and on preparing for bushfire season can be found by visiting .