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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Apply NOW for Sporting Infrastructure Grants

State Member for Morayfield, Mark Ryan MP, is encouraging local sporting and recreation clubs to apply for sporting infrastructure funding from the Queensland Government.

Mr Ryan said that applications for the Queensland Government’s 2011 Sport & Recreation Infrastructure Grants Program were now open.

“This Program provides grants of up to $750,000 to eligible clubs and organisations for local sport and recreation infrastructure projects.

“By investing in our local sporting infrastructure, we are investing in the sporting opportunities available to our local young people.

“Better, new and improved sporting infrastructure encourages and expands participation in sport,” Mr Ryan said.

“That’s why, I am encouraging our local clubs to give serious consideration to applying for this grant funding.”

Applications close on 25 July 2011.

For more information, please visit or contact my office on 07 5432 3120 or the Department of Communities (Sport & Recreation Services) on 1300 656 191.