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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Caboolture Firefighters Win Competition

Bill Miller and Jim Smile from the Caboolture
Queensland Fire Rescue Service. Photo by: Megan Beverley
Caboolture’s team of auxiliary firefighters blasts out sixteen other teams in the Brisbane Region firefighting competition last weekend.

The Queensland Fire and Rescue Service (QFRS) regional competition was held at Pelican Park in Clontarf this previous weekend.

Acting QFRS Brisbane Region Assistant Commisioner Bruce Byatt said teams from across the Brisbane region completed challenges that reflected everyday duties a fireperson would go through.

“This annual competition allows firefighters the chance to come together in a competitive environment to practice their skills and provides an opportunity to enhance their work as a team,” Mr Byatt said.

Caboolture team captain Lester Miles said the challenges were very accurate.

“Every skill we had to use in the competition is used in real firefighter duty,” Mr Miles said.

The team now prepares for the state championships in August at Rockhampton.

“We’re going to ramp up our training and learn from the penalties that were given during the regional competition,” Mr Miles said.

“I’m very proud of the team for the way they prepared [for the previous competition],” he said.

“It was a humbling win. We put in a lot of work and have been competing for quite some time.

“We’re excited for the state finals.”

Lester Miles and teammate Ashley Newson were named the event’s Champion Firefighters.

Kilcoy and Brookfield Team one won second and third place respectively.

These two teams will be in the state championship with the Caboolture team.