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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Petition to reduce speed on D'Aguilar Highway

The safety for motorists along the D'Aguilar Highway continues to be a constant concern for local road users and the State Member, Andrew Powell, is demanding that something be done about it now.

"The Government knows this road is a hazard yet they refuse to hand over the money that is needed to make necessary upgrades and ultimately save lives.
"A funding submission was put to the 'Black Spot Funding' program and all requests for an update on the submission have gone unanswered from both State and Federal Governments.

"Locals have communicated to me time and time again their desperation and frustration that this Government continues to ignore their pleas to improve safety standards on the road.

"In the meantime something must be done. At the request of locals I have started a petition calling on the Government to reduce the speed limit along the D'Aguilar Highway between Rangeview Estate and the D'Aguilar Township to 80km per hour.

"Let me be clear, this is just an interim solution - we will not give up the fight for the whole road to be upgraded. But while we wait, this is one way we can try to reduce the accidents and fatalities on the D'Aguilar Highway.

The E-Petition can be accessed by visiting, click on Legislative Assembly, Petitions, Current E-Petitions. Paper copies of the petition can also be requested by phoning Mr Powell's office on 5435 2013.

"Make sure you add your name to this petition - together we can send a loud and very clear message to this Government, "Mr Powell concluded.