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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Prepare Your Land Ahead Of Bushfire Season

Landholders across Moreton Bay are encouraged to do their part to reduce fire risk ahead of bushfire season. 

Queensland Fire and Rescue Service (QFRS) Regional Manager of Rural Operations for Brisbane Bernie Trembath said weather conditions were favourable for hazard reduction and landowners could conduct their own burns following the issue of a permit. 

“Queensland’s wet summer has increased the high grass fuel load but left the ground moist making it a prime time to get out there, take control of the situation and burn off before it dries out,” Mr Trembath said. 

“Hazard reduction is a joint initiative which is not only the responsibility of government and local council but also landowners. Reducing fuel loads in high risk bushfire areas now decreases the chance of loss of property or even life during bushfire.” 

Mr Trembath said landholders wanting to light a fire in the open should seek advice from their local fire warden as a permit may be required. 

“The Permit to Light a Fire system is enforced by the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service to ensure burns are conducted at an appropriate time of the year, are suitably managed and planned and emergency services are notified,” he said. 

“Permits are required at all times for a fire which is bigger than two metres in any direction. They are free and can be obtained from your Local Fire Warden. 

“They come with clear guidelines on when you can light the fire and what precautions will need to take including the provision of informing neighbours of planned burns – this also reduces the likelihood of unnecessary calls to emergency services. 

“Tough penalties apply for people who light fires without a permit.” 

To locate your Local Fire Warden contact your local Area Office. Details are available at .