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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Ratepayers Paying For Hefty Legal Battles

Moreton Bay Regional Councillor Chris Whiting has pushed Council to reveal how much it is spending in legal fees for just two current court cases.

On Tuesday Cr Whiting moved that a non-confidential report come to Council on the costs incurred in defending Council decisions on the North East Business Park and the Donnybrook chicken farm.

The move was voted down with only Cr Whiting and Cr Adrian Raedel supporting the motion to reveal the costs.

“Rate payers are not being told the size of the legal costs that are piling up in these two cases,” said Cr Whiting.

“I’m concerned we are not getting the full picture.

“Why the secrecy?  Why does Council not want to tell the community how much of their rates money is being poured into these two court cases?”

“If these decisions are worth defending, we should not be shy in telling ratepayers what it costs.

“Council needs to come clean on our legal costs, and the community can decide whether the financial investment in these cases is worth it,” said Cr Whiting.