Dear Editor
As of this week it will be even harder for struggling Pumicestone residents to buy a family
home because of the Bligh Labor Government’s cruel $7000 stamp duty slug.
Pumicestone home buyers are already sacrificing so much to have a roof over their heads
thanks to the Bligh Government’s addiction to punishing Queenslanders with cost of living
Under Labor, household power bills have gone up $700;
Drivers Licences will double from $73.70 to $152.50;
Car rego fees have gone up a massive 24 per cent;
Water bills will increase by around $100 in some regions;
And petrol prices have soared since Anna Bligh broke her promise “I will not kick (Queensland households) when they are down and I will not abolish the petrol subsidy.” (3June 2008).
Pumicestone residents’ hip pockets are hurting and Labor’s carbon tax is going to make the pain worse.
The LNP knows Pumicestone residents have had enough of spiralling costs of living and is opposed to Labor’s carbon tax.
A CanDo Government will slash the cost of living and save average Queensland families around $250 – $330 a year.
Yours sincerely
Lisa France
LNP Candidate for Pumicestone