Moreton Bay Regional Council (MBRC) has set up a working group to investigate the viability of establishing a buy-back scheme for properties regularly affected by flooding.
MBRC Mayor Allan Sutherland said the working group would include three councillors, as well as senior council staff, and would report its findings to council by the end of September, 2011.
“In the wake of January’s floods, we’ve been approached by some of the 300 property owners in low lying areas affected by flooding requesting that council consider buying them out,” Mayor Sutherland said.
“Moreton Bay Regional Council currently doesn’t have a flood buy-back scheme in place, but I want to explore all of the options in terms of eligibility, viability and the cost to ratepayers.
“Council has been in touch with both the state and federal governments to see what assistance they might be prepared to provide.
“At this stage, it appears if council was to proceed with a flood buy-back scheme it will be one that would more than likely be funded by the region’s ratepayers.
“The cost and the preparedness of ratepayers to pick up the buy-back bill will be among the questions explored by the working group.”
Mayor Sutherland said the working group would also look at possible triggers for a potential buy-back scheme, the selection of eligible properties and the level of annual funding that may be required.
“There wouldn’t be a single person in the region that isn’t sympathetic to those families who’ve had their lives turned upside down by January’s flash floods,” the Mayor said.
“But I don’t want to get anybody’s hopes up – there’s a lot for the working group to explore ahead of any decision on a flood buy-back scheme.
“I want to make sure all the facts are on the table so as a united council we can make an informed and appropriate decision.”
The three Councillors to lead the working group are:
Mayor Allan Sutherland
Deputy Mayor Greg Chippendale
Cr Bob Millar (Corp. Services Chair).